Sunday, 28 April 2013

This is the end of week 4. This week was a tiring week. I had a lot of work as we are preparing for the end of year exams. the exams will start next Saturday 4th of May. The course is moving to the core and the discussion on Nicenet becomes hot. I read the articles "Using the internet-based children's literature to teach EFL',Extensive reading activity, Using Technology to Assist in Vocabulary and the samples for lesson plans. I also wrote a lesson plan using the ABCD objective based on using technology. I hope I am doing well.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

This is the end of week 3. It was a fruitful one . I read about the CALL and New perspective in Teaching Pronunciation . I made an account to delicious to save the sites but I still need to know more about using it and I guess I will be fine with more practice with it. I read about some of our previous colleagues' projects. I liked that of Zlatka from Bulgaria. She made me read about web quests because this is the first time to hear about it.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

This week was a fruitful one. I've learned about ABCD objective and I liked this method very much because it helped me to be more focused and specific when planing and writing the objective/s. This helps me to assess it and see if I reached it or not and if not what was the reason/s and so be reflective. I read also about Blooms Taxonomy and the verbs used in each level.I understood that we here in Egypt concentrate mostly on LOTs levels not HOTs and we have to make our education concentrate on both levels. I also knew that there are more search engines than Google, Bing and Yahoo. Searching noodles was of great benefit but to be honest I need enough time to search it well.The discussion on nicenet is very interesting and informative.The idea of creating a blog and writing my reflection on it is wonderful and I never imagined it before. Next time I hope my blog looks like Kayyum's
I'm happy because I feel I'm developing every day. I'm participating and achieving so I'm here . Thanks to technology that made me participate in this virtual class . I liked most of the blogs but I liked Belal's blog the most. It is vivid and well organized. I'll try to do like you.  

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Sunday 14 /4 / 13
Today is the end of the second week. I did lots of things this week. First I read about bloom's Taxonomy and ABCD objective. This new method helped me to be more specific  in forming my objective and made it easy to be seen and assessed. I also knew about more search engines which are new and will help me and the students  achieve more in the learning process. I  enjoyed the discussion on nicenet  about the search engines. Moreover, I  started my first steps towards the project by describing my student, the setting and their needs. Each day I gain information I feel like growing.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

 Tuesday 4/9/13
Hi Robert and all my colleagues,
This is the first time to join an on line course and I feel very happy doing it. Thank you Robert for your effort. I got 20 /20 and live the joy of learning. I 'll do my best to get all the grades of the second week.
 Best wishes to you all

Friday, 5 April 2013

Hi Everyone,
I'm here at last.
This is the first time I created a blog . At first I felt it was difficult but when I finished I was very happy. Also this is the first lesson I've learned through trial and error. Thank you very much Robert .